Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Katakana Literary Work

This is a little manga I made.  It's a glimpse into the difficult life of a cat.  It reads from top to bottom, left to right.  I realize Japanese manga is from right to left, but I had to adjust it since I had two more frames that couldn't fit.  Sorry for the discrepancy.  I use Katakana for the title and the cat's name, as a sort of comic emphasis, though we do typically write as たぬたぬ.  Her name is Tanu Tanu, because her orange stripe on her  face resembles a Tanuki, the Japanese raccoon dog.

In this short adventure, Tanu is hungry and sees a small mouse near her food dish.  As she readies to attack the mouse, she shuffle her hind legs フリフリ.  Mad at the toy mouse, she bats it away パ、ポーン! Next, the birds outside chirp at her ピヨピヨピヨ、チーチー.   The birds actually want to be her friend,  but she is too lazy to play so Tanu only hisses at them ヒー to leave her alone.   Finally, she is startled by the big, noisy vacuum ブウウウウン and hopes "Please, don't suck me in".


Sakura said...

WOW!!! I LOVE your little manga!!! Haha... I especially love how you used katakana for the sound effect. It's really neat! Great drawing too! =)

ピーター said...

Haha poor cat, ねこのせいかつはとてももむずかしいですね。まんがはすてきですよ!

Mailing said...


I love cats, but I'm allergic :(

Mailing said...

In response to your comment on mine:

Err... I always kind of assumed it died...? I guess it doesn't have to if you don't want it to haha.

But no, I used Photoshop. I don't know anything about Illustrator, though it's on my "programs to learn" list...

aelith said...

This is great, I love the use of color in both the drawing and the writing. Also, your use of perspective in the different frames is impressive (especially the window). the cat's tail having onomatopoeia is perfect, especially with your placement and movement "lines"--drawing attention to the cat stalking (at least when my cat is stalking things the tail shows the emotional state).

Idée Fixe said...

Your work really reflects how much you adore your cat!
It's so playful and funny!
Make a second one~!

Odori247 said...

とてもすてきなえですね! アンダルーさんは ねこが だいすきですね。 

フリフリは わたしの だいすきの かたかな。